The Kenyan governemnt has implented a new policy for public transport buses in the occupied NFD region as the region remains plagued by a growing Al Shabaab insurgency.

According to Nick Ndalana, the police commander overseeing the NFD region, all public transport buses must have an armed guard on duty while vehicles are transporting passengers. The goal is to deter Al Shabaab attacks on public transport buses in the region, which has spiked in recent weeks.

Police commander Nick Ndalana went further and reiterated that limited transport vehicles will be available on the roads across the NFD region after sunset in a bid to curtail militant attacks. This latest draconian law comes just 24 hours after heavily armed Al Shabaab militants ambushed a civilian bus near the city of Mandera in the NFD region.

The armed group Al Shabaab has made it a specialty to target transport buses and non Somalis in the NFD region. To the surprise of many, this has actually worked. The Kenyan government recently evacuated all Non Somali school teachers in Wajeer county, which has led to dozens of schools being closed in the area.

Al Shabaab has routinely carried out attacks in the occupied NFD region, following Kenya’s illegal invasion of mainland Somalia in 2011 and there subsequent military occupation that continues to this day. Authorities in Nairobi are yet to devise a plan that will curtail AL Shabaab’s presence in the occupied NFD region, which is home to millions of Somalis.

Halgan Media Service Desk

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