Pistol wielding assassins shot dead a local official affiliated with the Militant group Al Shabaab in Somalia’s Bay province. The killing was carried out in the town of Buula Jadiid, situated 40 kilometers away from the city of Baydhabo.

Sources reveal that the man gunned down in Buula Jadiid, was the head of Al Shabaab’s Zakawaad operations in the nearby town of “Hareera Jiifa” and oversaw distribution of cattle and livestock in the area.

The deceased militant has been identified as Mukhtar Sugow and was said to have been shot 12 times at close range, dying instantly from the hail of bullets.

Its not clear who the assassins where that carried out the brazen assassination, however its been confirmed that two of Mukhtar’s personal body guards fled the scene just moments after he was gunned down and later vanished. This in itself has sparked widespread suspicion within the ranks of the Militant group.

From what we’ve been able to confirm through local sources, Mukhtar Sugow hailed from the town of Buula Jadiid, which is the same place he was murdered today. Thus making it possible that his killers knew him personally or where well acquainted with Mukhtar.

However the same could not be said about Mukhar’s stint as the head of Al Shabaab’ Zakawaad operations in Hareere Jiifa. Sources that spoke with Halgan Media on condition of anonymity reveal Mukhar Sugow was despised by the locals in Hareera Jiifa due to his iron fist policies.

Residents in Hareera Jiifa have confirmed, that in many cases Mukhtar confiscated livestock from residents under the guise of “Zakawaad” and would imprison those that refused his orders. In some instances, those that where imprisoned by Mukhtar Sugow where even physically abused and tortured.

Mukhta Sugow had plenty of enemies that where willing to take his life, however rarely in Somalia do civilians take it upon themselves to carry out killings targeting Al Shabaab officials. With that being said, this has led to confusion and left so many questions unanswered.

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