Ali Hashi has been appointed the NISA branch chief overseeing Gedo province. A ceremony held within the past hour in the city of Dollow saw Ali Haashi taking the helm of NISA operations in the troubled region.

Prior to the appointment of Ali Hashi as the local NISA chief, the security operations in Gedo where supervised by Bakaal Kooke, who was removed from his post as the commanding officer of the stabilization force in Gedo province as of today.

A dozen regional and federal officials where present during the swearing in ceremony. Per sources, Ali Hashi arrived in Dollow yesterday along with the Governor of Gedo province, Ciisman Nuur Xaaji (Macalimu). Both men departed Mogadishu that same day following a three week hiatus that saw the duo depart Gedo on the 7th of December.

Per sources, during there stay in Mogadishu, both Hashi and Macalimu held a series of closed door meetings with the powerful intelligence chief Fahad Yasin and his deputy, Abdullahi Kulane within the halls of Villa Somalia

The appointal of Ali Hashi as the local NISA chief in Gedo is said to be in response to the recent flare up between the governments of Somalia and Kenya, as authorities in Nairobi continue to prop up Somalia’s semi-autonomous Jubbaland state, which remains at logger heads with the central government in Mogadishu.

Halgan Media.