Armed gunmen launched a brazen assault targeting the town of Lasoole Oomane near the Shilaabo district, according to local residents.

Eyewitnesses that spoke with the Halgan Media service desk reveal gunmen swept down of Lasoole Oomane in multiple pick up trucks and besieged the town.

The gunmen presumed to be clan militiamen indiscriminately opening fire on everything in sight and reportedly burned down two homes in the vicinity of the town of Lasoole Oomane according to eyewitnesses.

The casualties, if any remains unclear at the moment as the attack is still underway. Residents informed Halgan Media, that gunmen hailed from the town of Ceel Ogaden, which is also situated in Qorahay province.

These accusations remain hard to verify at the moment. However what’s clear is that the town of Lasoole Oomane has been disputed by two competing sub clans as of recently sparking skirmishes in the past.

We will keep you updated as this story breaks along with similar developments from the region.

Halgan Media Service Desk 

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