Clashes erupted late into evening yesterday between Ethiopian troops and Al Shabaab insurgents in Bay province of occupied southern Somalia, sources reveal.

Local contacts based in Bay province reveal an intense exchange of Gunfire between both sides occurred at “Saha Gaduuda”, situated on the volatile road linking the towns of Kurteela and Yurkud.

It’s been revealed that Ethiopian troops encountered the insurgents, while on patrol in the area. However the number of casualties, if any remains unclear at the moment.

The Al Qaeda affiliated Militant group Al Shabaab have not commented on the latest encounter with Ethiopian troops. As expected the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) has remained tight lipped on the incident.

An attack in the same area left at 10 least Ethiopian troops dead earlier this week as a result of an Al Shabaab ambush.

The Ethiopian government has tens of thousands of troops occupying large swaths of territory in neighboring Somalia under the guise of the US led war on terror and routinely suffer attacks from insurgents. The bulk of these troops are deployed in the following provinces of Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Hiiran and Galgaduud.

Halgan Media Editorial Board