A barrage of mortar rounds rained down on an Ethiopian army base in war torn Somalia. The shelling that struck the Ethiopian army base occurred in Somalia’s Hiiraan province, in the Ethiopian occupied town of Halgan.

Local contacts reveal several mortar rounds landed in the Ethiopian army base, followed by smoke billowing over the skies. Ethiopian troops where spotted set up positions throughout the town of Halgan following the bombardment.

The casualties from the attack on the Ethiopian troops currently remains unknown. Residents reveal most of the towns population remained in doors or fled fearing retaliation from the Ethiopian army.

However, the armed group Al Shabaab claimed responsibility for the shelling shortly afterwards on a pro militant website dubbed Somali Memo. Based on the statement published online, the militants made it clear that they would continue to wage war against the foreign troops in Somalia.

The latest attack on the Ethiopian troops just comes a day after two Ethiopian soldiers where killed in an Al Shabaab ambush in the town Wajid in Bakool province, situated in southwest Somalia.

Tens of thousands of Ethiopian troops are deployed throughout southern and central Somalia under the guise of the US led war on terror being waged in the country. The bulk of these troops are stationed in the following provinces of Hiiraan, Gedo, Bay, Bakool and Galgaduud as they unleash wanton massacres and indiscriminate killings of civilians on a regular basis.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media Service Desk.

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