Reports from Addis Ababa reveal the Army chief of staff told military officers that the army must remain neutral regardless of discords and differences among political parties.

General Saere Mekonnen said that the army must only be loyal to the constitution and the constitutional order. “The status quo that made the army partisan to political parties must be eliminated,” he said. The general made the remark during a three-day training for military officer.

The army chief also underlined that the defense force cannot be a defender of the constitution as long as it’s not free from ethnic bias. “We will foster animosity and conflict among our people We need to be cohesive as a team.” General Saere Mekonnen was quoted as saying.

Erhiopia’s military remains fragile over ethnic lines as a result of the nearly three year long unrest which plagued the nation. Over the years under the TPLF junta, the Ethiopian army was marred with accusations of war crimes due to there brutal policies in the Ogaden and the neighboring Somali republic.

Abiy Ahmed has made attempts to reshape the army during his short stint in office yet a long lasting change is yet to be achieved within the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF)

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.