Large contingents of Ethiopian troops, numbering in the thousands flooded into the city of Baydhabo in Somalia’s Bay province.

Local contacts in Baydhabo reveal spotting thousands of Ethiopian troops, traveling in hundreds of armored vehicles and pick up trucks entering the city. The troops entered the vicinity of Baydhabo late in the afternoon yesterday.

Sources informed the Halgan Media service desk that the Ethiopian troops departed the district of Bardaale situated 60 kilometers away prior to making there way to Baydhabo.

However while making the journey from Bardaale to Baydhabo, the Ethiopian military contingents encountered dozens of civilians on there journey, mainly pastoralists.

Its been revealed by eyewitnesses that dozens of these people where detained and in some cases whisked away by the Ethiopian troops traveling on the volatile road linking Bardaale and Baydhabo.

The current whereabouts and well being of these individuals remains unknown at the moment.

Upon reaching Baydhabo, many of these troops hailing from Ethiopia’s National Defense Force (ENDF) began patrolling the streets in mass, forcing many residents to shelter in doors out of fear or the Ethiopian troops.

Hundreds of armored vehicles and military convoys could be seen in various neighborhoods throughout the city. Movement in the city was crippled. All roads leading in and out of Baydhabo where blocked off by Ethiopian military personal. The city was than placed under curfew.

The city of Baydhabo hosts the largest Ethiopian military base in Somalia, which is home to tens of thousands of Ethiopian troops. The recent deployment of more Ethiopian troops in the city has sparked deep suspicion and fear among the locals.

Sources with intricate knowledge on the matter have confirmed the uptick of Ethiopian troops in Somalia is linked to a controversial port deal inked in 2018 between authorities in Mogadishu and the Junta in Addis Ababa, which entail Ethiopia seizing control of four seaports off the Somali coast. 

The massive influx of Ethiopian troops into Somalia is said to be in preparation for a full blown deployment into strategic port cities off the Somali coast in a bid to seize control of seaports and secure offshore oil blocks on behalf of US interest, sources reveal.

Henceforth the heavy weaponry and vehicles in bedded with these newly arrived Ethiopian contingents in Somalia, which will be used to counter any form of resistance from insurgents and civilians alike as Ethiopia attempts its crusade into Somalia.

Ethiopian troops are already occupying large swaths of territory in southern and central Somalia under the guise of the US led war on terror and routinely carry atrocities and blatant war crimes against the civilian population.

Ethiopian army massacres of civilians along with attacks on schools, hospitals and mosques are an unfortunate norm in Somalia that often goes unreported. The bulk of Ethiopia’s military occupation is mainly concentrated in the following provinces of Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Hiiraan, and Galgaduud.

Sources based in the city of Baydhabo have been able to take footage of the new batch of Ethiopian troops that entered the city with armored vehicles and heavy weponory, which is featured below.


Deg Deg : Ciidama Itoobiyan ayaa hada soo buux dhaafiyey magalaada Baydhabo ee xaruunta gobolka Bay.Ilo wareedyo oo aad lagu kalsoonan kaaro oo kusugaan magalaada Baydhabo ayaa Halgan Media uso diraay muqaalkan

Posted by Halgan Media on Thursday, June 11, 2020


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