In what seems to be an effort to resolve the security issue in the region, Gambella regional state removed four senior government officials.

Fana Broadcasting Corporate (FBC) cited the region’s press secretariat office head, Ato Oden Agua, to report that the decision to remove came after Gambella People’s Democratic Movement resolved to examine the security structure in the region.

Accordingly, the region’s head of peace and security, Borden Kongen, is now assigned to work as legal affairs advisor to the region’s president as reported by FBC.

The region’s Police Commission Commissioner, Commander Manu Galan, is removed from his position and assigned to the role of deputy head of Forest and Climate change office.

As well, Gambella City’s Mayor, Guat Mentafn, is removed as mayor and assigned for the role of the regional administration economic adviser.  Aliga Okello, Deputy Mayor, is also removed and assigned to the position of vice-dean of the region’s Polytechnic College.

Dorar Kom is appointed as acting Mayor of Gambella until the city undertakes mayoral election.

Ato Thomas Tut is appointed as head of the region’s peace and security office while Utian Uchan is appointed as the region’s police commission head, according to FBC report.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media