Two people where wounded and a third person killed when Al Shabaab fighters ambushed group of men transporting Khat in southern Somalia

Sources have informed the Halgan Media service desk that the ambush occurred near the town of Wardiile in Bay province. A group of men said to be a numbering a total of three where traveling on the volatile road between the cities of Baydhabo and Bardaale when they came under fire.

All three of the unsuspecting men where sprayed with bullets. One man instantly died, while the remaining two individuals lay wounded in a pool of blood. Dozens of Al Shabaab fighters than rushed the scene and seized the vehicle belonging to the men, which had large amounts of khat.

Following the ambush and seizure, sources reveal the Militants where spotted heading in the direction of Bardaale. However there current whereabouts remain unknown.

The Al Qaeda affiliated Militant group Al Shabaab routinely carries out attacks on the volatile road connecting Bardaale and Baydhabo, targeting Government troops, allied Foreign forces and even those transporting Khat.

The Miira drug, commonly referred to as Khat is prohibited in areas under the rule of  Al Shabaab. Those caught using or selling the substance are severely punished.

Individuals transporting Khat are also at risk and in many cases face death as seen in today’s ambush near the town of Wardiile.

The group of men that where ambushed while transporting khat are confirmed to have been transferred to the city of Baydhabo for medical attention shortly afterwards.

Local sources have been able to obtain the names of the two wounded individuals, which are listed below.

  • Mohamed Moalim Ali (age 23)
  • Abshir Hussein Ali (Age 26)

The identity of the deceased victim has still not been confirmed. The Halgan Media service desk will share more details as this story continues to break.

Halgan Media Editorial Board. 

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