Intense clashes erupted early this morning in the town of Bariire in Shabellaha Hoose province. Local contacts reveal Al Shabaab fighters staged a brazen attack on US trained Somali Paramilitaries dubbed the Danab Force.

The clashes took place shortly after a large explosion was heard in the vicinity of the town. Fierce gunfire followed shortly after, as both sides exchanged a barrage of small arms fire. Locals that spoke with Halgan Media on anonymity “confirm” unmarked helicopters and suspected US drones where spotted hovering over the town shortly after the ensuing clashes. The Al Shabaab fighters reportedly disappeared into the bush shortly after the gun battle.

Locals went onto say AMISOM contingents hailing from Uganda where also involved in the clashes. The casualties remain unknown and are currently hard to independently verify due to the velocity of the fighting. The town of Bariire, which is situated 65 kilometers southwest of the capital Mogadishu, was recently liberated by the US trained Somali paramilitary force (Danab).

Despite the town of Bariire being recently liberated by the Danab Paramilitary Force, the town itself remains prone to attack and is relentlessly besieged by Al Shabaab fighters. The insurgent group (Al Shabaab) continue to control large swaths of territory in Southern and central Somalia, with pockets of control in Somalia’s northern Puntland region.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media