Confirmed reports reaching Halgan Media reveal Ethiopian military contingents and there associated militia’s have conducted massive abductions in multiple towns in Doolo province.

Local contacts have verified that close to 30 towns are completely empty after hundreds of civilians where rounded up and forced into lorries.

The bulk of these abductees are women and children, whom where whisked away against there will to the city of Wardheer. The Ethiopian regime and the puppet administration based in Jigjiga are forcing civilians to engage in Pro regime rallies against there will in order to counter the uprisings sweeping across Ogaden, which have been skyrocketing in Shiniile province.

One of the lorries carrying abductees from the town of Daraatoole en route to Wardheer crashed on a dirt road, after the lorry tipped over with civilians on board. The total deaths are reported to be at 9 with another 45 injured.

The blatant disregard for human rights by the Ethiopian regime is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and international law, which cannot be tolerated as Somalis in Ogaden continue to suffer and languish in peril while the world looks on.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.