Confirmed reports received from the Ogaden reveal massive shortages of water are taking place throughout Eastern Ogaden, in particular Doolo province.

Local contacts that spoke with Halgan Media say the shortage of water is due to a lack of rain and mechanisms to help civilians cope with the short supply of clean drinking water.

The water shortage in Doolo province is most prevalent in the following districts of Galaadi, Qoriilie, Lahelow and Yucub just to name a few. Rural pastoralists that reside in Doolo province are the hardest hit. Many have been forced to flee with there families and livestock to nearby towns and districts in a bid to access the limited source of clean drinking water.

The regional administration overseeing Doolo province based in the provincial capital Wardheer is yet to take action, let alone implant a strategy to assist civilians in coping with short supply of water.

Doolo province is one, if not the largest province in the Ogaden. The province has been historically marred by conflict and underdevelopment just like most parts of the Ogaden up until recently.

The lack of seriousness in addressing the deteriorating situation in Doolo by regional president Mustafa Omar (Cagjar) has angered many locals. The feeling in Doolo province is that President Mustafa Omar (Cagjar) is purposely marginalizing this community and maintains a complete disregard for the well being of these constituents.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media