The federal government of Ethiopia has detained two individuals for allegedly killing the prominent Oromo musician Hachalu Hundessa on the night of June 29th. A third suspect is reportedly on the loose.

His death sparked a nationwide revolt and uprising from Ethiopia’s Oromo community that left hundreds of people dead within the span of two weeks.

This unprecedented civilian led uprising, forced the Ethiopian government to clamp down on protesters, leading to the arrests of thousands, with scores of prominent opposition figures detained under arbitrary detention.

According to Ethiopia’s attorney general, Adanech Abeibe both suspects linked to death of Hunchalu Hundessa have confessed to their crimes, however this could not be independently verified.

The Ethiopian government accuses a breakaway rebel faction dubbed the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) for the murder of Hachalu Hundessa and claims both individuals in custody hail from that rebel faction.

The Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) is a faction that splintered from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) in 2018 following the peace deal that the OLF struck with the Ethiopian government in Asmara, Eritrea.

A faction within the OLF didn’t approve off the peace deal signed between Ethiopia’s government and the OLF, therefore that Wing brokeaway and began waging there armed campaign against the Ethiopian state once again.

This breakaway Rebel faction known as the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) is also referred to as “Shane” and is believed to be numbering around several thousand insurgents. The militants are mainly based in the Western and southern part of Ethiopia’s volatile Oromo regional state.

The Ethiopian authorities say that the suspects in custody implicated in the murder of Huchalu Hundessa were given direct instructions to murder the musician by the breakaway rebel faction dubbed OLA/Shane.

However the Ethiopian government have not presented a single peace of evidence to back up there claims that OLA/Shane carried out the killing of Hachalu Hundessa.

Many observers with intricate knowledge on internal Ethiopian politics believe the accusations against OLA/Shane are non sense and are being used by the ruling Junta as a pretext to target opposition figures and dissidents in order to solidify Abiy Ahmed’s power across the country.

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