Two of the larger ethnic Oromo nationalist political organizations, Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) and Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) are discussing the formation of a coalition party.

OLF has been waging an armed struggle for well over three decades with the intention to secede Oromo region from the rest of Ethiopia. The party agreed to end armed struggle and hostility towards the government of Ethiopia after Ethiopian government sent delegates under foreign minister Workeneh Gebeyehu (along with Lemma Megarsa, one of the heavy weight leaders of Oromo People’s Democratic Organization and president of Oromo regional state) to Eritrea this month. Dawud Ibsa, Chairman of Oromo National Liberation, is expected to arrive in Ethiopia sometime this week.

On the other hand, Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC), whose chairman is Merera Gudia, has been struggling peacefully in Ethiopia for years and has managed to build a considerable support base. Bekele Gerba, secretary of the party, and Merera Gudia have been in jail at the height of government repression against opposition political parties.

Timetable and other details of the merger between the two parties are not disclosed. Perhaps that is what the OLF chairman will accomplish once return to Ethiopia.

Timetable and other details of the merger between the two parties are not disclosed. Perhaps that is what the OLF chairman will accomplish once return to Ethiopia.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.