President of Tigrai state Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael gave a press statement about the deteriorating situation in Ethiopia. In his press statement he gave to Ethiopian journalists he answered many questions regarding why ethnic Tigrays in the north are falling out with the regime in Addis Ababa.

Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael asserted the Ethiopian federal system is being destroyed right now. He added the Tigrai people and government have a strong commitment to the federal system in Ethiopia, however the Tigrai and TPLF are not the only guards for the federal system and the Ethiopian constitution.

The Tigrai president warned the new regime in Addis Ababa is undoing the work of the TPLF Junta over the past 27 years. Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael added the federal states in Ethiopia are being dismantled as we can see in Somali Regional state. The country is falling apart and you can not keep Ethiopia by patching little holes. Everything is getting worst by the day in Ethiopia because the new administration is based on destroying the foundation of the Ethiopian federal system.

Over the past few months tension has been rising between the ousted TPLF Junta and the regime of Abiy Ahmed. Issues regarding the federal system of governance along with interfering in the affairs of regional states have caused friction between the rival administrations in Mekele and Addis Ababa.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.