A security alert released from the fortified Halane compound (Greenzone) in Mogadishu that was relayed via the UN Mission to Somalia (UNSOM) warms of the possibility for an imminent terrorist attack in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

The security alert was passed on to UN personal working in Mogadishu and urged the need for extreme caution and vigilance over the next couple of days.

According to the security alert, two suspected car bombs are reportedly on the loose in Mogadishu with an unknown number of would-be bombers that are suspected to be members of the armed group Al Shabaab.

Listed below is further detail regarding the VBEID’s.

  • A white Toyota Surf, with license plate AH 2737
  • A silver Toyota Noah, with license plate AH 5146

A number of upscale hotels, government buildings and security checkpoints where mentioned in the alert as possible targets for the car bomb attacks.

The high profile targets include the upscale Jazeera hotel and Ma’ida hotel which is home to several presidential candidates. The bustling Maka Al-Mukaraka road along with Military checkpoints leading to the presidential palace where also listed as possible sights for an Al Shabaab attack.

These attacks are slated to take place between the 5th and 8th of March according to the security alert issued from the fortified Halane compound (green zone).

This coincides with a turbulent week for Somalia as large scale anti government demonstrations are expected in Mogadishu on Saturday.

Its not clear how the Westerners inside the fortified Halane compound (green zone) got wind of the car bombs in the city. In the past, a number of alerts have been issued from the green zone, which where all followed by deadly Al Shabaab attacks.

The Halane compound in Mogadishu known as Somalia’s green zone is home to western diplomats and several foreign embassies. The UN headquarters is also located on the grounds of the compound.

A number of western intelligence agencies and private contractors (Mercenaries) also maintain a presence inside Halane and it’s widely believed they’re the ones with intricate knowledge of Al Shabaab attacks before they even happen.

UPDATE : 5/3/2021 

Shortly after 20:00 (8PM) local time a vehicle laden with explosives rammed into the entrance of the upscale Luul Yemeni restaurant in Mogadishu’s Xamar-Jajab district.

The subsequent blast was followed by a plume of smoke billowing over the night sky, witnesses reveal.

The deadly suicide car bombing left at least 20 people dead according to the local ambulance service. Scores more where wounded.

The Luul Yemeni restaurant is often frequented by government officials. This upscale establishment was the site of a similar bomb attack last year that left several people dead.

The armed group Al Shabaab took credit for the attack in a statement released online. The Al Aqaeda linked outfit routinely carries out terror attacks in the Somali capital, Mogadishu.

Tonight’s bombing in Mogadishu comes just 24 hours after a security alert issued by UN officials from the fortified Halane compound (Green Zone) warning of two VBEID’s (car bombs) that where on the loose in the city.

The vehicle used in the deadly bombing tonight was a silver colored Toyota Noah and matches the description of one of the two VBEID’s. It’s still not clear how the UN knew that Al Shabaab would strike using that exact vehicle.

Many Somalis both at home and in the diaspora suspect certain foreign elements, particularly Westerners inside the fortified Green Zone (Halane) in Mogadishu of collaborating with the Militant group.

Halgan Media