A series of arrests overnight rocked the city of Wardheer in Doolo province. Local residents reveal scores of clan elders where detained, than imprisoned by security forces.

Residents in Wardheer have confirmed to the Halgan Media service desk that around a dozen clan elders where unlawfully arrested. These victims are now currently under arbitrary detention at the hands of local authorities and the notorious security apparatus that operates in Wardheer.

Its been revealed that these elders where arrested after being accused by local authorities of inciting clan violence in the city. This comes after two individuals where wound in clashes that erupted within the city this past Saturday.

However it’s been revealed that these accusations are baseless and being fabricated by local officials for ulterior motives. Security sources based in the city of Wardheer confirmed to Halgan Media that the Governor of Doolo province Abdinasir Abdullah ordered the arrest of these elders.

When asked why, sources revealed the Governor Abdinasir Abdulla is attempting to incite and spark a violent reaction from segments of the population that inhabit Doolo in a bid to justify further violence from his administration targeting clans that oppose his rule.  Henceforth the overnight arrest of nearly a dozen clan elders by the Governor and his security forces in Wardheer.

The current Governor of Doolo province Abdinasir Abdullah was previously the mayor of the Shilaabo district in Qorahay province and earned a reputation for brutality. During his times as Mayor in Shilaabo, Abdinasir Abdulla often ordered and in many cases carried out horrific human rights abuses and acts of tortures on civilians.

The few that where lucky enough to survive those near deaths experiences, still suffer from permanent scars and other forms of psychiatric pain due to years of torture. Abdinasir was later appointed as Governor of Doolo province in May of last year, which sparked controversy for obvious reasons. 

The authorities in Jigjiga bare the brunt of the situation of the situation in Doolo by appointing a known war criminal and ally of the notorious Abdi Iley to such a senior position in government. This reckless endeavor led to widespread backlash against the pseudo president Mustafa Omar ( Cagjar) which has cultivated into massive protests. 

It remains to be seen what actions authorities in Jigjiga take against Governor Abdinasir Abdulla following the recent arrest targeting clan elders in Wardheer. However many locals beleive its a Pandora’s box waiting to unravel as authorities continue to stoke tensions in the region.

Halgan Media Service Desk

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