Large of crowds of Somali asylum seekers held protests in the German city of Schweinfurt detesting the horrendous living conditions at the state run camps. Hundreds reportedly took part in the protest.

The demonstrators where reportedly venting there anger at the squalid conditions of the camp, in which some of the refugees have been languishing for years and still haven’t been granted asylum.

Richard Graupner of Germany’s right wing AFD party condemned the Somali migrants for protesting and called it “an unacceptable act”. He than went further and lambasted the migrants.

In recent years, far right politicians and political parties have been seizing power across Europe. This has led to widespread anti immigrant policies being implanted across EU nations, with has only fueled Islamaphobia.

Somali are one of the most effected migrant communities in Europe. The recent protests in Schweinfurt, Germany has once again shed light on the forgotten plight of Somali migrants in Europe. Most of whom that arrived in Europe after taking the perilous journey through Libya, prior to crossing the Mediterranean Sea.

The numbers of Somali migrants and asylum seekers in Europe is estimated to be in the thousands, with numbers continuing to grow on a yearly basis. For the most part these victims are secluded in prison like conditions in state run refugee camps throughout Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Scandinavia and even the heart of Western Europe.

Many languish for years in squalid conditions without being granted asylum, only to be deported to Somalia, a nation they fled due to unprecedented levels of violence, poverty and terrorism.

Photos from the migrant protests in Schweinfurt, Germany.