Confirmed reports received from the town of Cadayti in Sitti province reveal intense clashes occurred mid afternoon today as a result of a violent cross border raid conducted by paramilitary militias from the neighboring Afar regional state.

Eyewitnessses have informed the Halgan Media service desk that local civilians in the town of Cadayti where able to repel the cross border attack with small arms fire. Two Somalis where struck with live rounds during the midst of the clashes. One of the victims is reportedly suffering from life endangering injuries according to local residents.

Halgan Media correspondents based in the border town of Cadayti have been able to obtain the names of the victims, which are listed below

  • Cabdullahi Waceeys
  • Bilaal Maxamuud Raage

The attack today on the Somali border town of Cadayti which wounded two civilians is the second cross border raid targeting the border town within a span of 24 hours. It was just yesterday when two Somalis where killed and three others wounded by invading Afar regional state militias.

The president of the Somali regional state (Ogaden) Mustafa Omar (Cagjar) and his cabinet continue to ignore the plight of fellow Somalis besieged by the neighboring Afar regional state.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates.

Halgan Media