Fierce clashes erupted across large segments of Ethiopia today, as the tit for tat skirmishes have evolved into full blown communal violence.

Intense fighting has been reported in the Southern Regional State of Ethiopia (SNNP) which left one person dead and scores more wounded. The clashes where a result of a territorial dispute between two ethnic groups living in Qingy city. A disputed town, in which rival paramilitaries are vying for control.

A mass exodus has also taken place in Northern Ethiopia, in particular the Shoa Zone as an attack today left four people dead in the city of Antaye. Local authorities blamed the onslaught on Oromo Militants hailing from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF). The rebel group has still not responded to these damaging allegations.

Similiar round of violence was reported in the city of Eregratha as Ethiopian Federal Forces (Army) clashed with rogue militias, which left 9 people dead and dozens wounded according to a statement from the state owned Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC).

EBC went on to say 3 people where abducted in the clashes that took place in Eregratha but the perpetrators are yet to be identified. This latest round of violence comes on the one year anniversary of prime minister Abiy Ahmed. A sign that Ethiopia is far from stable no matter how hard mainstream media and the international community try to paint Abiy Ahmed in a positive light.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.