More than two dozen people reportedly killed in Ethiopia’s restive border region in the Western part of the country as clashes ensued for three consecutive days.

A total of 18 where killed as a result of intense fighting that raged on the Amhara-Benshangul border between warring militias. What started the dispute remains debatable but what’s for certain is that nearly two dozen people lay dead.

Protests erupted shortly after in the in the city of Bahar Dar in the Amhara region as protesters denounced the violence and claimed the federal government wasn’t doing enough to stop the aggressors (In reference to the Benshangul militias).

Communal violence sparked by border clashes has become an unfortunate norm in Ethiopia. Lawless plagues the country while large swaths of territory remain ungovernable and out of government control.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media