Re-surging ethnic-violence across Universities in Ethiopia seem to reflect the critical political situation and pre civil war reality plaguing the country.

As we have covered it extensively over the past year, ethnic tension and territorial disputes have created a humanitarian crisis and security problems in many parts of the country.

Over three million people are internationally displaced, by far the highest figure in the world. These numbers surpass conflict-ridden countries such Syria, Yemen and Somalia. In the past few weeks, ethnic-based violence is happening once again in University grounds – this time in Northern and central Ethiopia.

On 26th of May Seare Abraham, a graduating student of economics from Shere Endaselassie, in Tigray in Northern Ethiopia, was killed in Debramarkos Unversity in the Amhara region. As the University spokesperson, Desalew Getnet, told the public via a government media outlet, the killing was mysterious. Three other students were admitted to the hospital in critical condition. Ten suspects are in custody and under investigation, as the university authorities said.

A week later, the violence moved to Northern Ethiopia. On the 5th of June news emerged that Yohannes Masresha who is said to be from Debreberhan in Central Ethiopia and a second-year mechanical engineering student was violently killed in the campus grounds of Axum University. Tigray regional state authorities have confirmed the news and said that it will hold accountable those who committed the crime.

Yesterday, the Amharic branch of DW Germany reported that Axum University students staged a demonstration in their campus. They demanded the Federal government to take measure to resolve security and safety measure in the university.

Last week, Debre Berhan University in central Ethiopia experienced ethnic-based violence. It was a fight between a few students during graduating class final football game that escalated to a full-scale ethnic-violence, as reported by Voice of America Amharic Service on Friday, the 7th of June.

The University identified 58 students as responsible for the violence. The Senate dismissed 16 students ( two of them are female) on grounds of ethical breach. 12 students are suspended for a year, according to state broadcaster, EBC, report. Thirty other students who were involved directly and indirectly received written warning from the university senate. But that did not solve the problem.

On the 8th of June, two buildings of students’ dormitory (Block No. 21 and 27) were destroyed by fire. Both blocks hold 1000 students, as reported by EBC. The University administration says that the cause of the fire is not yet determined. It is possible that the fire is an act of arson and could be related to the incident.

Before the recent incidents in central, north western and northern Ethiopia, universities in south and south eastern parts of the country experienced ethnic violence.

And there is no indication if the recent killings and ethnic-violence are the last. The OPDO Junta under PM Abiy Ahmed is not providing the much-needed safety mechanisms to ensure the safety of students that study at universities in different Regional states in Ethiopia.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media