The Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) allegedly carried out a series of strikes in neighboring Somalia. Authorities in Addis Ababa justified these strikes on the pretext of targeting the Al Qaeda affiliated armed group Al Shabaab.

Colonel Habtom Zenebe, deputy commander of the eastern division of the Ethiopia’s air force stated they carried out the strikes targeting the militants in the towns of Cortile and Yirkut in southern Somalia.

According to Colonel Zenebe, the strikes where in response to a imminent Al Shabaab attack on Ethiopian troops escorting artillery from the town of Doloow Adow to the city of Baydhabo. Zenebe went further by claiming nearly 17 Al Shabaab militants where killed in the strike.

Ethiopia rarely carries out strikes in Somalia, despite having thousands of troops deployed in the country. However the alleged airstrikes carried out by the ENDF coincide with an uptick in insurgent attacks targeting ENDF contingents across Somalia.

Ethiopian troops have been bogged down in recent weeks. The armed group Al Shabaab have staged relentless attacks on the ENDF, and in many cases inflicted heavy casualties. The brunt of these attacks are said to have been in the provinces of Gedo and Bay.

The surge in attacks on Foreign troops coincides with a massive deployment of Ethiopian troops in southern Somalia. Ethiopia which already maintains a large number of troops in the country has been engaged in moving heavy weapons and even setting up military bases in war torn Somalia as of recently.

Ethiopia in the past has made claims of conducting air strikes in Somalia. However claims made by authorities in Addis Ababa regarding there role in fighting Somalia’s insurgency has led to more questions than answers.

In September of 2018, Ethiopian state owned media Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC) made similar claims on conducting strikes in Somalia under the pretext of counter terrorism operations. However Ethiopia made no mention of when or where the strike in Somalia took place but where quick to claim 70 militants where neutralized. 

The latest wave of alleged strikes that took place differs from the past. Ethiopia gave names of locations and dates which allegedly killed 17 Al Shabaab militants on the verge of attacking ENDF contingents transporting artillery. 

Many analysts view the outlandish claims by Ethiopia to be a politically motivated stunt to cover up for there troop losses as ENDF casualties in Somalia mount.

Halgan Media Service Desk

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