The report by the Ethiopian Television says the delegation, which also includes president of the Oromo regional administration, Lemma Megersa, was welcomed at the Asmara International Airport by Eritrean Foreign Minister, Osman Saleh and Presidential Advisor Yemane Gebreab.

The delegation is expected to iron out differences with the Oromo Liberation Faction(OLF) faction that is based in Eritrea. In July, Lemma Megersa , the head of the OPDO Junta accused some groups were trying to destabilize his region under the guise of fighting for the rights of the Oromo people.

Lemma Megersa said last month that a group which he said was claiming to fight for the liberation of the Oromos has attacked security forces and ransacked public and private properties in the Western part of the region. The group has reportedly killed four police officers and destroyed properties.

While most exiled Oromo political groups have returned home to be part of the ongoing political changes in the country, the OLF faction led by Ibsa has yet to mend fences with the regime in Addis Ababa. The delegation in Asmara hopes to convince the OLF faction to lay down there arms and join the peaceful political struggle.

The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) has waged an armed struggle against the TPLF Junta for 27 years. The TPLF Junta was ousted from power in ealy 2018 but the OLF faction led by Daud Ibsa is still maintaining there armed struggle.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.