Confirmed reports received from the Ogaden reveal a dire situation is being reported in the town of Mayu’muluqo in Nogob province.

According to local contacts Oromo militia’s stormed the town of Mayu’muluqo and looted 90 camels along with scores of sheep and goat. Residents in Mayu’muluqo remain defenseless as paramilitary militia’s and Oromo regional security forces launch cross border raids, looting and pillaging Somali inhabitated towns and villages in the border region.

To make matters worse, following the looting of livestock in Mayu’muluqo. Residents reported seeing hundreds of heavily armed Oromo militia’s on the outskirts of the town. People in Mayu’muluqo and its surrounding area are absolutely terrified and not a single resident is armed.

Somalis residing on the volatile Ogaden-Oromo have been completely stripped of there weapons, leaving them at the mercy of fanatical right wing Oromo paramilitaries that are ethnically cleansing them from there land. The government of Abiy Ahmed and his backers from the international community are yet to stop this carnage.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media