The fascist EPRDF Junta is expected to hold a session tomorrow in parliament to approve the controversial Administrative Boundaries and Identity Issues Commission according to a broadcast by the state owned media service FANA.

The border and identity commission is meant to settle lingering border and territorial disputes between the various warring ethnic groups across Ethiopia, at least that’s what they claim. The subject remains controversial knowing many suspect it to be a pretext for further land grabs and reshaping of maps.

The Tigray Regional State has already denounced the border and identity commission and the 45 ethnic Tigray MP’s in the EPRDF Junta are expected to vote against the measure. It was only three months ago when the Federal Government (OPDO) delayed and subsequently halted the National Census due to the controversy surrounding the topic and three million plus IDP’s in the country.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media