The fascist EPRDF Junta held its pseudo parliamentary meeting this past Friday. The Junta discussed various topics, which included the much anticipated national elections scheduled for next year.

The EPRDF Junta unanimously decided on holding elections this upcoming calendar year. The elections will include national as well as regional elections. The city administrations of Dirdhaba and Addis Ababa are expected to take place as well. Despite the claims made by the Junta, many experts and political commentators doubt an election will take place.

However if an actual election where to take place, it’s widely believed that it would be flawed and completely comprised. The national census has already been postponed twice this year due to the lawlessness and high number of IDP’s plaguing the country. With that being said, many believe national elections might be postponed as well due to rapidly deteriorating security situation.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media