Qatar has announced they’ll be opening there largest Foreign embassy in Mogadishu, Somalia. Confirmed reports reveal the facility will be fully operational by early next year.

This remains a concerning development to say the least. Qatar has known ties to Militant groups throughout Somalia, which include the Islamic State and Al Shabaab.

The powerful Gulf monarchy (Qatar) has in the past granted asylum to Al Shabaab fugitives such as the notorious Sheikh Mohamed Atom, whose been accused of war crimes by multiple rights groups.

Qatar finances the Al Qaeda affiliated militant group Al Shabaab millions of dollars through its proxy in Villa Somalia, no other than the current intel chief Fahad Yassin.

However, reliable sources that spoke with Halgan Media on condition of anonymity reveal the new Qatari embassy in Mogadishu will not just only serve diplomatic purposes. The embassy will be used as a logistical hub for Qatari intelligence and the facility in its entirety will be guarded by non Somalis upon completion according to sources with intricate knowledge on the matter.

Many Somalis view the announcement by Doha regarding its new large scale facility in Mogadishu, masked as an embassy as a sign of Qatar’s stranglehold over Somalia. A dangerous development that that can unravel a Pandora’s box in an already war stricken nation.

Halgan Media Service Desk