A deadly ambush targeting Foreign troops occurred within the past hour in occupied southern Somalia. Reliable sources have informed the Halgan Media service desk the incident occurred outside the strategic town of Balcad in Shabellaha Dhexe province.

Local contacts that spoke with Halgan Media on the condition of anonymity reveal Al Shabaab launched an assault on a fleet of Military convoys carrying Foreign troops from Burundi. Intense gunfire was exchanged between militants and foreign troops according to sources.

Following the ambush Smoke was spotted billowing from the sky but minutes after the Ambush taking place Military aircraft was spotted hovering over the scene of the ambush. The sight of of the military aircraft which where later identified as unmarked helicopters forced the militants to retreat back into the bush.

Upon the Militants dispersing following the attack, the unmarked helicopters landed and set up a perimeter around the Ambush site. Sources have been able to confirm at least six dead bodies belonging to Burundi’s military where loaded onto the helicopters by white males in military fatigue. Scores more of wounded troops where also airlifted.

The ambush outside the town of Balcad, comes just hours after 5 senior Government officials where killed in a roadside bomb blast in the same area.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media