The city of Baydhabo hosts the largest Ethiopian military base in occupied southern Somalia, with thousands of troops stationed in the city.

However over the past few weeks more Ethiopian troops believed to be in the tens of thousands have been flooding into Somalia. 

Security sources that spoke with Halgan Media on condition of anonymity reveal an estimated 2,500 to 3,000 Ethiopian have entered Baydhabo over the past few days alone. These troops are stationed at a military base adjacent to the headquarters of Somalia’s autonomous Southwest regional state.

In bedded with these Ethiopian troops are several hundred Somali militiamen turned mercenaries who’ve recently returned from training in Eritrea on behest of the Mogadishu based Federal government.

These Somali mercenaries are currently being housed at the British military base within the city of Baydhabo sources added and are said to be among senior British military personnel at the barracks of the base.

Britain’s military role in Somalia remains sketchy. Authorities from 10th Downing Street have never address the topic publicly, nor has the UK embassy in Mogadishu.

In a similar note, aviation officials have confirmed that unknown aircraft has been arriving at the airstrip in Baydhabo non stop over the past several nights. Who or what there transferring still remains a mystery.

The Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) maintains a military base on the grounds of the airport. Therefore making it impossible for anyone to access the airport and its surrounding areas without the consent of the occupying Ethiopian army.

This has led many to believe that the ENDF contingents and there Western backers are involved in much more than meets the eye.

The Halgan Media service desk will keep sharing more information on troop movements in southern Somalia in the coming days.

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