A mass exodus of civilians is reportedly unfolding in the Western region or Ethiopia’s volatile Oromo regional state. A deadly insurgency being waged by the breakaway rebel faction dubbed the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) against Ethiopia’s government continues to simmer.

Months of violent clashes between both sides has led to the deaths of scores of civilians and displacement of thousands. The brunt of the conflict has engulfed the provinces of Wollega and Guji. The surge in violence began after a breakaway faction from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) broke off after a peace agreement with the Ethiopian government was inked in late 2018.

Little is known about the new rebel faction that calls itself the Oromo Liberation Army. The conflict has led to heavy casualties on both sides as the Ethiopian government has been accused of horrific atrocities against civilians due to its brutal counter insurgency campaign.

The Wollega province in particular has been a no go zone in recent months due to the intensity of the conflict. Dozens of villages have reportedly set ablaze and leveled to the ground by Ethiopia’s notorious army. Rights groups in the diaspora from the Oromo community have condemned the atrocities.

Ethiopia’ government is yet to address these rampant human right violations in the country. This is most definitely going to taint the image of Ethiopia’s Nobel prize winner – Prime minister Abiy Ahmed.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media Service Desk

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