As many as 81 opposition parties have attended recent meeting with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. And his key message during the meeting was that opposition parties in the country need not be more than three or four. His recommendation was for parties with reconcilable political agenda and difference to come together as a single part which, in his calculation, would cut down the number of political parties to three or four.

According to Oromo Broadcasting Network (OBN), yesterday “parties operating in Oromia region” held discussion at Oromo cultural Center in Addis Ababa and have agreed to form a joint-forum.

One of the purposes of the forum is to resolve differences peacefully if Oromo factions found themselves in conflict.

Leaders of three ethnic Oromo Parties, Dawud Ibsa (Oromo Liberation Front), Lemma Megersa (Oromo Democratic Party), and Merara Gudina (Oromo Federalist Congress), held a joint press statement together after the meeting.

As well, the report by OBN added that a consensus has been reached among the parties that the security of Ethiopia is a priority agenda and will not be tabled for negotiation.

Lemma Megersa, vice-chairman of ODF and president of Oromo region of Ethiopia, on his part emphasized on the importance of the rule of law. He also told the parties that a plot is underway to make Oromia a conflict region, and political parties and the people need to understand that. In that regard, his key message is that people need not be instrument for those forces who are plotting to bring about chaos to the region.

Merara Gudina, Oromo Federalist Congress party leader, on his part said that the unity between Qeerroo (A paramilitary militia), and the people need to be strengthened and that “parties operating in Oromia” need to iron out their differences, and work together in the interest of the people.

Oromo Liberation Front Leader, Dawu Ibsa who was challenging, a few months ago, government position that his rebel forces need to disarm, is now saying that his party will do its part to support government effort to ensure rule of law.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media