Confirmed reports received from the Ogaden reveal intense gunfire erupted in several Somali inhabited villages surrounding the Somali border town of Tuliguuleed in Fafaan province, which sits on the volatile Ogaden-Oromo border region.

According to Halgan Media correspondents on the ground, heavily armed Oromo paramilitary forces backed by Ethiopian military contingents launched an assault on several Somali villages this evening and began indiscriminately opening fire on civilians.

Correspondents also reveal smoke was billowing through the sky in multiple villages as screams where heard in the background. A total of 8 Somalis where gunned down with 9 others wounded.

Following the killings scores of civilians and entire families fled into the bush to escape the onslaught that besieged the villages surrounding the border town of Tuliguuleed. Residents in the town of Tuliguuleed reveal a massive presence of Ethiopian troops tonight, as Ethiopian military contingents are spotted everywhere in the besieged town following the masscre.

Listed below are the list of towns attacked this evening by ethnic Oromo paramilitary militias and Ethiopian troops.

  • Sandacare
  • Sheekhmadow
  • Feedhacad
  • Agaajin
  • Abeeba
  • Geelaa
  • Hoosaale
  • Dhuxulalay
  • Dharcaseeye
  • GeedCanood

Listed Below are the names of  Somalis massacred tonight by paramilitary forces and Ethiopian troops.

  • Masuud Mohamed
  • Ilyaas Ahmed
  • Guled Hussein
  • Khadar Nasir
  • Abdiweli (lastname not obtained)
  • Guled Mohamed
  • Abib Abdullahi
  • Mohamud Ibrahim

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media