Southwest regional state security forces engaged Al Shabaab militants on the night of friday July 10th in the town of Toosweyne in Somalia’s Bay province, sources reveal.

Local contacts that spoke with Halgan Media on condition of anonymity reveal the unit of Southwest security forces that engaged the Al Shabaab fighters in Toosweyne was led by Beyhaal Xaaji.

                              Photo : Beyhaal Xaaji.

Beyhaal Xaaji was wounded in the clashes and subsequently died off his wounds in the midst of the encounter. Sources confirm three more Southwest regional state security forces where wounded in the same clashes.

On the opposing side a number of Al Shabaab fighters where killed in the clashes, including a senior Al Shabaab tax collector named Salaad Dheere.

Salaad Dheere was a prominent Al Shabaab official that oversaw tax collection operations in Somalia’s Bay province prior to his death according to reliable sources with intricate knowledge on the matter.

The following morning on Saturday July 11th, the wounded Southwest regional state security forces where brought to the city of Baydhabo for medical treatment.

Local contacts in Baydhabo have been able to obtain the names of the wounded soldiers, which are listed below.

  1. Xassan Madkeer Ibrahim
  2. Cabdullahi Burale
  3. Cabdi Calan

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