Bancroft, Danab, AMISOM and NISA have become synonymous with the growing levels of violence plaguing Somalia’s volatile Lower Shabelle province. The province which sits outside Mogadishu has had an uptick in Night raids, extrajudicial killings and even disappearances.

During 2019 the levels of violence hit the climax, with the province being plagued by an unprecedented number of US drone strikes and human rights violations at the hands of Somali and allied Foreign forces.

Confirmed reports reaching the Halgan Media service desk reveal US special forces and Danab paramilitaries are responsible for the brunt of the atrocities being unleashed in Somalia’s Lower Shabelle province.

Local contacts reveal the most recent incident took place this past Thursday on the 16th of January, when US special forces alongside Danab paramilitaries raided the town of Wanlaweyn. In the midst of there door to door searches, a middle aged man was shot 5 times and his body whisked away in an unmarked helicopter shortly afterwards.

The Halgan Media editorial staff has decided not to release the name of the victim to safeguard the identity of his family members and loved ones that still reside in the Lower Shabelle province.

In the next few weeks the Halgan Media service desk will begin a new series documentaing Night raids, extrajudicial killings and abductions at the hands of US special forces and Danab paramilitaries in the Lower Shabelle province of Somalia.

Halgan Media Editorial Staff 

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