A blast from a roadside bomb struck an Ethiopian military convoy traveling in Somalia’s Gedo province. Sources reveal the troops where traveling on the volatile road connecting the districts of Doolow and Luq before encountering the blast.

Following the explosion, parts of the Military convoy where engulfed in flames and visibly damaged according to sources that spoke with Halgan Media on condition of anonymity. However the casualties remain unknown as of the moment.

The Ethiopian troops cordoned off the area shortly after the blast, making it impossible to identify casualties or the number of wounded troops. A similar attack targeting Ethiopian troops occured three days ago in the nearby city of Garbaharay. The occupying Ethiopian troops struck an IED while on patrol in Garbaharay according to local residents.

Ethiopians and allied Foreign forces routinely come under attack in occupied southern Somalia. In nearly all cases the Al Qaeda affiliated armed group Al Shabaab claimes credit for the attacks. However the armed group is yet to claim responsibility for this latest attack targeting Foreign forces but that can easily change within the next few hours or days.

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