Heightened tension is being reported like wildfire out of Doolo province in Eastern Ogaden. The region has been rocked by a series of protests within the past week. Hundreds of civilians took to the streets in the provincial capital of Wardheer denouncing the Regional president Mustafa Omar (Cagjar).

These rash of protests began after the pseudo president of Ogaden region, Mustafa Omar (Cagjar) appointed a former ally of the Ex president Abdi Iley as the governor of Doolo province. The new Governor of Doolo province, Abdinasir Mohamed Abdallah is a notorious in the region and has overseen and even took part in human rights violations during the time of Abdi Iley.

Many also accuse the pseudo president Mustafa Omar (Cagjar) of underestimating the Clan dynamics in the region, which has made the situation worse. The current president of Ogaden, Mustafa Omar (Cagjar) has masqueraded as a human rights activist for the good part of his life but many are now doubting the presidents claims of defending human rights after he appointed a known criminal and member of Abdi Iley’s old guard as Governor of Doolo province.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media