The UN Human Rights Commission released a damming statement addressing the troubling developments in Ethiopia, in which over 80 where confirmed to have been killed.

UNHRC urged security forces to exercise extra restraint in dealing with protesters and the wider public. They’ve also called for the authorities in Addis Ababa to restore the internet, which has been inaccessible for the entire nation following the recent flare up in violence.

The statement from the UN human rights commission also touched up on the assassination of Hachalu Hundessa, which sparked a nation wide revolt that still continues to persist til this very moment. The UN human rights commission urged for an impartial investigation into the matter.

However, the most intriguing part of the lengthy statement can said to be addressing the ethnically motivated killings in Ethiopia, which has been on the uptick over the past week.

The human rights committee urged all sides to refrain from ethnic violence following a series of killings targeting minorities and non Oromo’s in Ethiopia’s volatile Oromo region.

State owned media outlets reported a staggering 166 deaths over the past week as a result of xenophobic mobs carrying out pre meditated attacks on Non Oromo’s in Addis Ababa and the surrounding areas.

Halgan Media.