Armed clashes between Government forces and armed groups are currently taking place in the West and South West part of the Oromo regional state in Ethiopia according to German based DW Amharic.

These reports come after the Lemma Megersa, the president of the Oromo regional state in Ethiopia and subsequent head of the OPDO Junta spoke at a peace panel in Shashame touching up on this issue. Lemme Megersa also states that despite repeated talks with the armed groups, the results didn’t yield any results.

Multiple schools and hospitals in the area have been closed down as a result of the fighting. Lemme Megersa has not specifically named who these armed groups are or what organization they Hail from, but it should noted these latest incident comes after fierce clashes erupted a few weeks back between rebel fighters from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Ethiopian military.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.