Oromo regional state in Ethiopia under the direct control of the OPDO Junta has finished up training for 6,000 paramilitary militiamen according to Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC)

The graduation ceremony for the newly trained paramilitary recruits was attended by president of the Oromo regional state and subsequent head of the OPDO Junta Lemma Megersa. The new security chief of the Oromo regional state Kemel Gelchu, who recently defected from the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) rebel group was also in attendance.

This latest development comes only a few months after 50,00 Oromo paramilitaries finished training earlier this year. State media reveals the 6,000 paramilitary recruits will be deployed to various regions of the Oromo regional state in Ethiopia as the security situation continues to deteriorate across Ethiopia as a whole.

Experts and analysts believe the Oromo led government of Ethiopia is using the current power it wields to build and strengthen its military apparatus. It should be noted that this comes at a time in which various ethnic groups and armed factions are stockpiling up on weapons and armed combatants as the volatile situation in Ethiopia remains unpredictable.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media.