Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said he would take action against those who may seek to block a peace declaration with Eritrea’s President Isaias Afwerki, as Ethiopia’s army awaits instructions on troop withdrawals from border areas.

Isaias Afwerki said both nations would work together to safeguard the newfound peace that’s ended nearly two decades of frosty relations between the neighboring nations, state-run Ethiopian News Agency reported Sunday, citing speeches the night before.

The two countries have been at odds since Ethiopia’s incursion into Eritrea and subsequent war which lasted from 1998 to 2000 that claimed over 70,000 lives.

The Ethiopian army pledged to move its troops stationed at areas bordering Eritrea, the Deputy Chief of Staff [Lt. Gen.] Berhanu Jula said.

Thousands of Ethiopian troops remain stationed at Badme for nearly two decades, which is in violation of the Algiers Peace agreement signed by the deceased tyrant Meles Zenawi and Eritrea’s president Isaias Afwerki.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media