Reports received from the northern Ethiopia reveal a high level security meeting is taking place in the city of Mekele. The pretext behind this meeting is to setup new security guidelines to maintain law and order in the region and to combat the deteriorating security situation.

Various security agencies along with the national police chief General Sara Mekonon spoke at today’s venue addressing the security concerns in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian president Malatu Tashoma was also in attendance.

Today’s high profile security meeting comes as armed clashes fueled by ethnic tension sweep across the country. Many observers and analysts beleive the federal government based in Addis Ababa has not done enough to curb, let alone halt the ethnic violence besieging Ethiopia. This comes as territorial disputes and old grievances are fanning the flames of ethnic tension, reminiscent of the Pre 1994 Rwandan genocide.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments and updates from the region.

Halgan Media