One person was killed and three others wounded after Al Aqaeda linked militants opened fire on a vehicle outside the city of Luuq in the Gedo province of Somalia.

Per sources – a vehicle packed with civilians came under fire shortly after 8:00pm just as they departed the city of Luuq, as a result of Al Shabaab fighters spraying the vehicle with a hail of bullets.

Once the gunfire ceased, one person was confirmed dead while three other passengers where seriously wounded.

The three wounded passengers and the deceased victim whose been identified as a women where subsequently rushed to the main hospital in the city of Luuq.

The local authorities in Luuq and Gedo province at large are still yet to address the latest attack on civilians by Al Shabaab.

Its not known at the moment what provoked the Al Shabaab fighters to open fire on a vehicle full of civilians, however the armed group has previously been implicated in mass atrocities against the civilian population in Somalia.

Halgan Media will continue to monitor and document war crimes carried out by all parties involved in the Somali conflict.

Halgan Media Service Desk 

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