The fascist right wing Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), a brutal Junta that ruled Ethiopia for the past 27 years until they where ousted from power in April of 2018 took shots at there rival, the  Amhara Democratic Party (ADP).

The TPLF Junta had a meeting this week in the Northern enclave of Mekelle regarding the recent political developments in the country. The closed door meeting in Mekelle marked the first meeting since the crisis situation that unfolded following the killings of three senior Amhara Democratic Party (ADP) leaders in Bahir Dar on the 22nd of June and the killings of the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian Defense Force, General Seare Mekonnen, on the same day in the Capital Addis Ababa.

According to a report by the Amharic branch of DW Germany today, the TPLF demanded that ADP take responsibility for the killings in Bahir Dar and Addis Ababa. Otherwise, said TPLF, it will find it difficult to work with ADP. The two parties are members of the ruling coalition (EPRDF).

In a statement that TPLF  issued after completed two days of meetings this week, it demanded an investigation into the killings of the Chief of Staff of the Ethiopian Defense Force, General Seare Mekonnen, and his longtime friend, General Gezai Abera. The party wants a neutral and independent body to handle the investigation and make the findings public.

The statement, as reported by DW Amharic, went on to accuse  ADP saying that it has given a chance for what it called “chauvinist forces from different corners” to do what they want, and that, according to TPLF, is taking the country along the path of disintegration.

We will keep you updated with the latest developments from the region.

Halgan Media