Confirmed reports reaching the Halgan Media service desk from inside the Ogaden reveal a massive built up of Oromo paramilitaries and militia forces in the border town of Jinicsani in Fafaan province.

According to our local correspondents in Fafaan province, within the past few days heavily armed Oromo paramilitaries and factions are flooding into the strategic town which is located on the Ogaden-Oromo border. The town of Jinicsani is originally a Somali town but was recently annexed by Oromo’s after the indigenous Somali population where ethnically cleansed from there land and homes repopulated by Oromo settlers.

Over the past few months the town of Jinicsani has been used as a launching pad by Oromo militias to launch cross border raids that indiscriminately target Somali inhabited towns and villages on the border region. The town of Jinicsani is situated approximately 20 kilometers away from the Somali town of Tuliguuleed, which has come under relentless attack on numerous occasions, which continues till this day.

It was only last Monday when Oromo militias backed by Ethiopian federal forces launched a cross border targeting the town of Tuliguuleed and massacred 11 Somalis in cold blood.

According to local contacts, the current build up Oromo militias in Jinicsani continues to mount on a daily basis. Scouts in contact with Halgan Media that collect intel on the Ogaden-Oromo border reveal truckloads of armed Oromo’s have been pouring into the town over the past four nights.

Locals beleive an attack on the Somali border town of Tuliguuleed and surrounding villages is imminent. The most disturbing part is the fact that the Somalis in the border area particularly around Tuliguuleed are under equipped and lack small arms fire to properly fend off these fanatical right wing Oromo paramilitaries.

Halgan Media urges these armed Oromo’s to refraim from any aggressive behavior that would escalate the already tense situation. If these indiscriminate mass murders perpetrated against Somalis continue, than it will open a Pandora’s box across the Somali peninsula that can unleash devasting consequnces for the tens of thousands of Oromo settlers residing in mainland Somalia, NFD and Jabuuti.

We will continue to provide you with the latest developments and updates.

Halgan Media.