Confirmed reports reveal scores of people where wounded as a result of bombing in Ethiopia’s volatile Oromo region. The incident occurred in the town Ambo, which is a government stronghold.

According to a report published on the Oromo service of BBC News, an unknown assailant hurled a hand grenade at large crowd in the midst of a Pro Abiy Ahmed rally.

At least 29 people where wounded, with many suffering severe injuries according to BBC Oromiya. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack thus far.

In a candid interview following the bombing, Hindarmu Delesa the security chief of Ambo spoke with BBC Oromiya. The security chief insisted that the situation has calmed and security forces are conducting an investigation into the matter.

Hinsarmu Delesa also stated that former rebel fighters from the breakaway rebel faction dubbed the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) are under custody. The security chief gave no further detail.

Halgan Media Service Desk 

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